Lisbon colloquia

call for papers

The Call for Papers is now open for the 2016 ASTIN Colloquium of the International Actuarial Association to be held in Lisboa, Portugal from the 31st May to the 3rd June 2016.

Suggested Topics
Topics for ASTIN
The ASTIN Scientific Committee seeks papers on the following topics:

Call for Papers

  • Abstract Deadline: 31 january 2016
  • Draft Program Released: 15 February 2016
  • Paper Submission Deadline: 15 March 2016
  • Acceptance Deadline: 31 March 2016
  • Published on Website: 15 April 2016
  • Registration to open in: February 2016

If you are interested in submitting a paper and presentation for the 2016 ASTIN Colloquium please email your Abstract and Submission Form to our Organizing Team.
When preparing a paper and presentation for the Colloquia we advise the use of the following templates:
Presentation - click here 
Paper Coversheet - click here


Concurrent Speakers: 
Presenter Requirements 
Publication Agreement
Plenary Speakers: 
Presenter Requirements 
Publication Agreement

For further information contact:
