Please note that deadline has now been extended to December 15, 2015

Insurance Evolution: Change is the only constant

The Actuarial Society of Hong Kong invites you to attend the Life Section Colloquium of the International Actuarial Association which will be held in Hong Kong from 25 to 27 April 2016. The overall theme of the conference, Insurance Evolution: Change is the only constant, recognises that the life insurance industry is continuing to evolve to meet the needs of its customers, and how the role of the actuary is changing and adapting within this.

The Scientific Committee is starting the search for speakers to present at this prodigious event. Would you like to be part of the programme?


Key topics

To fit within the overall “evolutionary” theme of this Colloquium the Scientific Committee has identified three key technical topics for discussion, and we invite proposals that cover regulatory and/or strategic issues in each of these areas:

A. Risk, capital and value

B. Products, markets, customers and distribution

C. Data, analytics and technology

These topics have been designed to encourage and inspire contributions; the Scientific Committee has chosen not to provide a more detailed list of specific topics as we do not wish to narrow the scope of the Colloquium. The programme will be shaped by attendees, for attendees.

In addition to the technical topics outlined above, we would like to consider how the role of the actuary is changing to meet the evolving needs of the life insurance industry, the skills the actuary of the future needs and how the professional bodies are helping to meet the challenges they face. We have therefore included a fourth topic:

D. The role of the actuary and professional skills

The Scientific Committee welcomes session proposals that offer:


Please click here for the Call for Paper guidelines and submission form

Contact us

Meeting Secretariat
Tel:   +852 2559 9973
Fax:   +852 2547 9528