October 1, 2015 | version française

IAA Organizes Joint Discussion Forum with ILO and ISSA in Budapest – September 14-15, 2015

A seven-person IAA delegation participated in a joint discussion forum on social security, pensions, and labor policy issues with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) in Budapest, Hungary. In total, 14 participants from these three organizations engaged in very intense and focused discussions spanning two days.

The first session, led by the IAA, focused on:

The second session, led by the ILO, featured presentations and discussions on:  

The second part of the forum included participation by representatives from OECD and Eurostat, as well as from some several individual countries.

This forum is part of an ongoing collaboration and discussion between these organizations that has taken place over the past few years. It supports the IAA’s strategic objective to strengthen relationships with key supranational audiences and provide actuarial input to improve the soundness of decisions being made on issues with global impact. The forum also provided an opportunity to identify areas for future collaboration between the IAA and the participating organizations which included inviting the IAA to give further consideration to the issues regarding accounting for social benefits in government accounts and government statistics, and to provide comments to the ISSA and ILO on the Guidelines on Actuarial Work for Social Security.

IAA attendees Rob Brown, Immediate Past President of the IAA, Assia Billig, Vice-Chairperson of the IAA Social Security Committee, and Chris Daykin, Immediate Past Chairman of PBSS extended their stay in Budapest to participate in the widely attended ISSA International Conference.

To learn more about the work of the IAA in this area, please contact the Supranational Relations Manager at the IAA Secretariat.