July 15, 2010

Population Issues Working Group Established

The IAA is pleased to announce the creation of a new working group on population issues. The Population Issues Working Group (PIWG) will focus on two areas of investigation initially: 

  • Population aging
    A crucial study of aging, longevity and their impacts on private and public health as well as pension funds and schemes
  • Migration
    An examination of migration and the labour market structure in developed countries and the impact of migration on the countries of origin of migrant workers, both economically and socially, and their influence on the local insurance markets

At its meeting in Cape Town last March, the IAA’s Social Security Committee determined that population issues required analysis by the actuarial profession, given that rapidly aging populations create issues around the funding of health care and social security.

Paul Thornton, President of the IAA, stated "I am really pleased with the increased focus on broad population issues.  While the IAA has been working on social security concerns for many years, this working group focusing on broader population issues will address the impact of migration and an aging population - issues that are very important in many countries."

The working group is chaired by Alvaro Castro-Gutierrez of Switzerland, the vice-chair is Andrew Young of the United Kingdom.  PIWG membership is composed of a group of actuaries and other professionals working in areas related with population issues from eight countries.

To learn more about the Population Issues Working Group, or to become involved in its work, please contact Alvaro Castro-Gutierrez, Chairperson.

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The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, with a number of special interest sections for individual actuaries. The IAA exists to encourage the development of a global profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served.
International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
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