Actuaries Without Borders (AWB) is a Section of the International Actuarial Association (IAA). AWB is managed under the AWB Section Rules, by a Board of 13 members, of whom 10 are elected by AWB Section Members, 2 are Delegates appointed by the IAA Council and the Executive Director appointed by the Board.
The AWB Board is our Board of Directors and senior management team. Elected members serve a 3-year term and may run for election to a second term. This is a geographically diverse group with backgrounds in many different actuarial disciplines.
The Board meets at least once a year in conjunction with, and at the same location as, a meeting of the IAA Council, but may (and does) meet more frequently either in person or by teleconference, and less formally by e-mail on a day-to-day basis.
The Board agrees to certain supporting functions being provided by the IAA Secretariat, including maintenance of a separate AWB page on the IAA website.