International Actuarial Notes (IANs)
An International Actuarial Note (IAN) is an educational document that provides information on current or emerging practices in relation to an international actuarial topic. It serves to familiarize actuaries with approaches that might be taken and to demonstrate how the actuarial profession might approach the topic. The major difference between an IAN and other IAA educational documents is that all IAA Member Associations must be invited to provide input to the IAN through a formal consultation process, which maximises the capacity to identify any material differences of opinion on the content of the IAN.
An IAN does not impose any obligation on any IAA Member Association or any individual actuary to promote or apply the practices described. It is not a definitive statement as to what constitutes generally accepted practice in the area under discussion and the language used is not directive.
An IAN may address a topic that is also addressed by an International Standard of Actuarial Practice (ISAP) issued by the IAA. In that case, the IAN will not conflict with the ISAP. The IAN does not seek to interpret the ISAP and it is not intended as a description of how an IAA Member Association might interpret the ISAP. Nor is it intended as a description of how an actuary might apply the ISAP or any actuarial standard based on the ISAP, though it might assist in that regard.
Current Consultations:
IAN 300 – Professional Judgement (Comments due by 21 February 2025)