
Actuarial Resources for COVID-19

Statement by IAA President, Tonya Manning

With the now world-wide spread of the Coronavirus and its far-reaching implications, confusion and disinformation can spread as quickly as the virus itself, leaving a vacuum needing to be filled with facts and clarity. As actuaries, we seek to be reliable sources of research, information, analysis and advice to the stakeholders of our work. Throughout the challenging days ahead we must strive to uphold our profession’s high level of standards so we can continue to be trusted partners that individuals, employers, insurers and governments can count on.
Many of the actuarial associations around the world are producing and updating reports and data to help inform decisions in this very chaotic time. The IAA has created a webpage that consolidates links to much of this information. We plan to continually update the site and links, given the rapid pace of change, so you can have an extended source of information you can trust, and thus be better equipped to maneuver through these unchartered waters.

Stay safe,

Tonya Manning
IAA President 

Member Associations:

International Actuarial Association 
News Release - COVID-19: IAA Statement to Stakeholders 
Health Committee Discussion Group/Information Sharing
Insurance Regulation Committee Jurisdictional Information Sharing
Mortality Working Group - Pandemics Information Base
Life Section Webinar - Lessons from Recent and Historical Epidemics: Bugs, Behavior, and Beyond!

Actuaries Institute Australia 
Pandemics Resource Centre

Canadian Institute of Actuaries 
COVID-19 Hub (Français)

Institut des Actuaires (France) 
Initiatives COVID-19

Institute and Faculty of Actuaries 

Pandemics Hub 
COVID-19 Actuaries Response Group  

Casualty Actuarial Society 
Covid-19 Updates

Society of Actuaries
COVID-19 Hub 
COVID-19 Updates 

Supranational Organizations:
Access to Insurance Initiative
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
World Health Organization

Imperial College London
Oxford University

This repository of information is not an exhaustive list and does not necessarily reflect the opinions, standards or policies of the IAA. The IAA assumes no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of content contained in any linked site or for the compliance with applicable laws of such linked sites. Additional content may be added to this repository by sending an email to The IAA reserves the right to refuse any content.