October 19, 2021
09:00 - 10:00 EDT (click here to check your local time)
In Italy, the workers’ protection system is entrusted to a government administration, called INAIL, which covers a very high share of the total Italian working force.
The presentations proposed will address some basic aspects of this Social Security scheme, starting from the contribution system, passing through actuarial aspects of the benefits provided, then taking a look at the role of the company in the labor market and concluding with an insight into the publicly available databases provided on the web by the company.
Presentation I: The Inail’s contribution rate system
Maria Cristina Paolletti
The insurance premium payment system in Inail is very complex. We have different types of contributions depending on the type of manufacturing insured.
We can generalize all the Inail’s different premium payment systems into two categories: through a premium rate, that applied to the salaries declared by the employer covers the costs of pricing management, in alternative companies, pay a special unit premium per "head" or per machine and/or substance use during their working activities.
The main management system is the “Inail’s Ordinary Employees Rate” which represents around 90% of revenues of the entire portfolio. This rate system is divided into 4 business sectors of activity (Industry, Handicraft, Tertiary, and Other Activities). Each sector is subdivided into 10 large groups which have homogeneous production activity and in turn, each of them is divided into groups, subgroups, and processing items. Each processing item of each sector is related to an average rate commensurate to the national average risk of the single working activity. The national average rate can increase or decrease according to the accident trend of the company in compliance with a Bonus/Malus system. This mechanism is applied to the companies that have been in business for more than two years, to have a small set of data to make our statistical evaluations and it is strictly connected to the gravity of the injury events recorded during the three years of the four-year period preceding the year of payment because our goal is “prevention of damaging events” and no mere insurance cover.
Presentation II: The Inail’s insurance benefits
Daniela Martini
In Italy, starting from 1933 the worker’s insurance protection is provided by Inail (National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work).
Over the last years, labor markets are quickly changing due to the aging population, technological innovations, and arising of new professions. Furthermore, the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has had a severe impact on the health of workers who contracted the Covid-19 during their working activities. In this evolving context, is the Inail insurance protection still adequate?
This presentation discusses the main benefits afforded by the Italian workers’ compensation system in case of the worker suffers an accident at work or contracts an occupational disease. The compensation could be economic, health, and social-health and it changes according to the after-effects of the accident or the occupational disease. Moreover, the actuarial management of the short-term and long-term benefits is exposed.
Lastly, in this discussion, there is a focus on compulsory insurance for housewives and househusbands.
Giampaolo Crenca
FQA registered actuary, graduated in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, Ph.D. in Actuarial Sciences, Principal Actuary of Crenca & Associati, has carried out and continues to carry out professional activities in all sectors of actuarial consulting, especially in insurance, banking, financial, social security and risk management.
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