
The Professional Actuary in Times of Uncertainty

The Professional Actuary in Times of Uncertainty

Responsibility to society when facing tail events
August 4, 2021
2:30pm New Delhi / 5:00pm Singapore / 6:00pm Tokyo / 7:00pm Sydney
(click here to check your local time)

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After 18 months living with the COVD-19 global pandemic (and the end clearly remains some time away), this webinar will address how actuaries can support society when facing extreme global events. Kunj Behari Maheshwari will provide a general approach that considers some key underlying issues to be addressed. These includes, but is not limited to, the responsibilities of insurers to society at large and how fair treatment of clients may be assessed and judged. For actuaries, this translates to how actuaries may fulfill their professional and, more broadly, social obligations and responsibilities.

Participants interested to use this opportunity for CPD credits should contact Karla Zúñiga after the webinar to request a participation certificate.

The webinar will be delivered in English.


Kunj Behari Maheshwari

Kunj Behari Maheshwari is the Head of Life Insurance consulting within Insurance Consulting and Technology division of Willis Towers Watson for India and Sri Lanka and a Partner at Willis Towers Watson Actuarial Advisory LLP. He currently holds a variety of statutory and professional responsibilities with organizations in India and Sri Lanka.


Thanuja Krishnaratna

Thanuja Krishnaratna is the co-founder and Executive director at Actsure Lab (pvt) Ltd. She has nearly 20 years of experience in the Sri Lankan insurance industry. She held the role of the President at Actuarial Association of Sri Lanka from 2016 – 2018.


See Ju Chua

See Ju is a Council Member of the Singapore Actuarial Society (SAS) since 2016 and she is the Chair of SAS International Committee that organizes various actuarial seminars in the ASEAN region. Currently See Ju heads up the Reserving and Capital function of Sompo Holdings (Asia) based in Singapore.


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8/4/2021 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM