Scenario Analysis | Methods | IAIS | IAIS Supervisory Material | A complicated type of test, which contains simultaneous moves in a number of risk factors and is often linked to explicit changes in the view of the world. | S |
Scenario Analysis | Methods | The European Economic Area | CEA Solvency II | Simulation of an alternative set of parameters within a model in order to establish the impact on the outcome. | S |
Scenario Analysis | Methods | The European Economic Area | Solvency II | The term is mentioned in the Guidelines on the ORSA, but has not been defined explicitly. | S |
Scenario Analysis | Methods | United States | NAIC ORSA MANUAL | Analysis of the impact of possible future outcomes, based on alternative projected assumptions. This can include changes to a single assumption or combination of assumptions. | S |
Scenario Analysis | Methods | United States | U.S. ASB Terms | (Scenario Test) A process for assessing the impact of one possible event or seveal simultaneously or sequentially occuring possible events on an organization's financial position. | S |