Market Risk | Risk Categories | China | CIRC C-ROSS Conceptual Framework | The risk of unexpected losses arising from adverse changes in interest rates, FX, equity, commodity, etc. | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | IAIS | IAIS Supervisory Material | The risk to an insurer's financial condition arising from movements in the level or volatility of market prices of assets, liabilities and financial instruments, whether on all investments as a whole (general market risk) or on an individual investment (specific market risk). | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | International Actuarial Association | IAA - Acturial Aspects of ERM for Insurance Companies | The risk of loss arising from changes in market variables. | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | International Risk Management Institute | IRMI Terms | Exposure to uncertainty due to changes in rate or market price of an invested asset (e.g., interest rates, equity values). | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | The European Economic Area | CEA Solvency II | The risk of changes in values caused by market prices or volatilities of market prices differing from their expected values. | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | The European Economic Area | PRA Rulebook | means the risk of loss or of adverse change in the financial situation resulting, directly or indirectly, from fluctuations in the level and in the volatility of market prices of assets, liabilities and financial instruments. | M |
Market Risk | Risk Categories | The European Economic Area | Solvency II | The risk of loss or of adverse change in the financial situation resulting, directly or indirectly, from fluctuations in the level and in the volatility of market prices of assets, liabilities and financial instruments. (Solvency II Directive art. 13(31)) | M |