Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | China | CIRC C-ROSS Conceptual Framework | The risk that an insurance undertaking is unable to obtain sufficient funds in a timely manner, or is unable to obtain sufficient fund at a reasonable cost in a timely manner, in order to meet the liabilities when they fall due. | L |
Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | IAIS | IAIS Supervisory Material | The risk that an insurer is unable to realise its investments and other assets in a timely manner in order to settle its financial obligations as they fall due. | L |
Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | International Actuarial Association | IAA - Acturial Aspects of ERM for Insurance Companies | Liquidity risk the risk associated with the ability to trade a particular asset quickly without incurring a loss | L |
Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | International Risk Management Institute | IRMI Terms | Exposure to adverse cost or return variation stemming from the lack of marketability of a financial instrument at prices in line with recent sales. | L |
Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | The European Economic Area | CEA Solvency II | The risk stemming from the lack of marketability of an investment that cannot be bought or sold quickly enough to prevent or minimize a loss. | L |
Liquidity Risk | Risk Categories | The European Economic Area | Solvency II | The risk that insurance and reinsurance undertakings are unable to realise investments and other assets in order to settle their financial obligations when they fall due. (Solvency II Directive art. 13(34)) | L |