International ERM Glossary

The International ERM Glossary is intended to provide users with a set of definitions that are in common usage around the world by actuaries, regulators and members of the insurance industry. The purpose in developing the glossary is to help provide a common understanding of the terms currently in use, as definitions and meanings have varied over time, and among practitioners. It can also be used as a training and educational tool for regulators.

The glossary can be consulted per letter, organization or grouping.

DISCLAIMER: The content of the International ERM Glossary has been compiled by the Joint ORSA Subcommittee of the Insurance Regulation Committee and the Enterprise and Financial Risk Committee of the IAA. This information has been collated and presented for educational and informational purposes to the members of the IAA and interested parties. The IAA assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, currency, reliability of the information in the International ERM Glossary or access to any information contained on any of the sources cited in the Glossary. The IAA, its employees and officers shall not be liable for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, which may arise or occur as a result of the use of or reliance upon any of the material in the International ERM Glossary.


TermGroupingOrganization or Jurisdiction Defining TermSource of DefinitionDefinition
Risk AppetiteGeneralFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetiteThe aggregate level and types of risk a financial institution is willing to assume within its risk capacity to achieve its strategic objectives and business plan. R
Risk Appetite FrameworkGeneralFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetiteThe overall approach, including policies, processes, controls, and systems through which risk appetite is established, communicated, and monitored. It includes a risk appetite statement, risk limits, and an outline of the roles and responsibilities of those overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the RAF. The RAF should consider material risks to the financial institution, as well as to the institution's reputation vis-à-vis policyholders, depositors, investors and customers. The RAF aligns with the institution's strategy R
Risk Appetite StatementGeneralFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetiteThe articulation in written form of the aggregate level and types of risk that a financial institution is willing to accept, or to avoid, in order to achieve its business objectives. It includes qualitative statements as well as quantitative measures expressed relative to earnings, capital, risk measures, liquidity and other relevant measures as appropriate. It should also address more difficult to quantify risks such as reputation and conduct risks as well as money laundering and unethical practices. R
Risk CapacitySolvency termsFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetiteThe maximum level of risk the financial institution can assume given its current level of resources before breaching constraints determined by regulatory capital and liquidity needs, the operational environment (e.g. technical infrastructure, risk management capabilities, expertise) and obligations, also from a conduct perspective, to depositors, policyholders, shareholders, fixed income investors, as well as other customers and stakeholders. R
Risk LimitGeneralFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetiteQuantitative measures based on forward looking assumptions that allocate the financial institution's aggregate risk appetite statement (e.g. measure of loss or negative events) to business lines, legal entities as relevant, specific risk categories, concentrations, and as appropriate, other levels. R
Risk ProfileGeneralFinancial Stability BoardFSB Principles for an Effective Risk AppetitePoint in time assessment of the financial institution's gross and, as appropriate, net risk exposures (after taking into account mitigants) aggregated within and across each relevant risk category based on forward looking assumptions. R