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IAALS Climate Risk Interview Series
The Life Section IAALS has started an interview series on Climate Risk, exploring the effects of climate change on the global life insurance industry and the broader financial landscape.

Enjoy on-demand  viewing of the IAALS Climate Risk Series.

Ep1. Christelle Lim-Severe, a sustainability practice leader at Beneva.
Ep2. Rade Musulin speaks on sustainability and regulation, Finity Consulting
Ep3. Irene Merk,  The Challenges and Chances that arise with regards to Sustainability 
Ep4. Sandra Rockett, VP Global Sustainable Investments at Great-West Lifeco, about the challenges and opportunities in sustainable finance, fossil fuel investments, and the path to Net Zero.

Watch it now on actuview!

Episode 1.Christelle Lim-Severe
    Episode 2. Rade Musulin
       Episode 3. Irene Merk
 Episode 4. Sandra Rockett        

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