ASTIN provides ‘ASTIN Best Paper Award’ to the best papers written and presented by young actuarial researchers.
ASTIN Best Paper Award - ICA, 2023
First Principles Working Party (Pietro Parodi and Derek Thrumble)
ASTIN Best Paper Award - ASTIN Online Colloquium, 2022
Anti-discrimination Insurance Pricing: Regulations, Fairness Criteria, and Models (Fei Huang, Xi Xin)
ASTIN Best Paper Award - ASTIN Online Colloquium, 2021
Three-Layer Problems and the Generalized Pareto Distribution (Michael Fackler)
Peer-to-Peer Risk Sharing with an Application to Flood Risk Pooling (Runhuan Feng, Chongda Liu, Stephen Taylor)
ASTIN Best Paper Award - Actuarial Colloquium Paris, 2020
This year 53 papers were submitted for award. The following paper received reward: "Joint model prediction and application to individual-level loss reserving" by Peng Shi
The paper deals with microlevel loss reserving incorporationg longitudinal payments of a claim into the intensity process of a claim settlement and identify scenarios where this model outperforms macrolvel reserving methods.
This year, 110 papers were initially submitted to the ASTIN Section for the presentation at the International Congress of Actuaries (ICA) in Berlin. Following the first round of selection by the ICA Organising Committee, 17 papers were selected for the ICA in Berlin. The ASTIN Committee then chose the two best papers. These are:
- “The impact of Insurance Premium Taxation” by Anna-Maria Hamm, Moritz Hildebrandt and Stefan Weber.
- “The transition towards semi-autonomous vehicle insurance: the contribution of Usage- Based data” by Montserrat Guillen and Ana M. Pérez-Marín.
Both articles focus on different and important practical problems in today’s insurance industry. The first paper deals with the taxation on insurance premium and its effect on the cost on insurance, its demand, fiscal revenues and profitability of insurers. The second paper studies the importance of telematics in driving positive policyholder behaviour that leads to better risk selection and control of moral hazard in motor insurance.
They both deserve in fact a special mention and recognition for their contribution.
ASTIN Best Paper Award – ASTIN 2017, Panama
Last year, 40 papers were submitted to ASTIN Colloquium in Lisbon, Portugal. The following two papers received the reward:
- “An approach to the individual claims reserving method” by Eugenio V. Rodriguez and Agnieszka I. Bergel.
- “Pricing cyber securities insurance using copulas” by Jacquelyn Rees-Ulmer, Rahul Parsa and Ramona Lee.