International Actuaries Day 2021
On September 2, 1895, the very first International Congress of Actuaries (ICA) was first held in Brussels. The purpose of this event was to prove to governments of various nations that actuaries existed and performed a legitimate and needed field of work; since then the profession has grown by leaps and bounds. As such, the date of September 2 remains the most significant and identifiable moment in history where actuaries from various countries came together for the very first time and laid the ground for the profession we know today.
In 2020, ICA celebrated its 125th anniversary and in honour of this day, 2020 IAA President Tonya Manning formalized the date of September 2 as the International Actuaries Day. Due to the global pandemic, the promotion of this inauguration was postponed until 2021 as it was deemed more appropriate to celebrate the profession at a later point in time.
This year, the IAA celebrated this important anniversary with a special virtual event on September 2, 2021. Watch the recording below.
Leading up to September 2, the IAA showcased actuaries who are active internationally and who wanted to share their experiences. You can view a new video everyday! Simply search for #celebratingactuaries2021 on different social media platforms.