Terms of Reference
Created—3 November 1998, Last revised—13 May 2021
1. Membership
Membership of the Task force open to IAA Full Member Associations and Associate Member Associations.
2. Purpose
To provide advice and assistance that will support the development, organization and promotion of the actuarial profession and actuarial education in Asia.
3. Role
- Identify needs in Asian countries to which the IAA could respond either at the individual, national or regional level, and to recommend a prioritization of those needs for the IAA response.
- Coordinate the response of the IAA and its sections and member associations to requests for assistance from the authorities, actuarial associations and actuaries of the Asian countries/regions.
- Prepare recommendations for consideration of the Advice and Assistance Committee and to carry out is tasks following the priorities established in conjunction with the Advice and Assistance Committee.
- Provide a forum for interaction between actuaries and others having a particular interest in the development of the profession in Asia.
- Facilitate the process of non-member and Associate Member associations in Asia becoming Full Member Associations of the IAA.
4. Decision-making authority
The Task force operates within the IAA Statutes and internal regulations and makes recommendations for consideration by the Advice and Assistance Committee that will subsequently make a recommendation to the IAA Council or the IAA Executive Committee, as appropriate.
5. Operational Matters
Agendas and papers:
All meetings will have a formal agenda agreed by the Chairperson which must generally be distributed, along with required papers, at least one week before each meeting. Agendas and meeting papers are available from the Task force page on the IAA website.
Minutes of each meeting will be prepared and distributed as soon as practicable after each meeting. Minutes are available from the Task force page on the IAA website.
Reporting on Committee Activities:
- The Chairperson will prepare a report on the activities of the Task force for inclusion in the agenda of each meeting of the Advice and Assistance Committee at least two weeks before each such meeting.
- The Chairperson will also provide a written update report to the Advice and Assistance Committee after each Task force meeting.
- The Chairperson (or designee) will be available to participate in a discussion of the Task force’s activities at each meeting of the Advice and Assistance Committee.
IAA Liaison and External Liaison:
Liaison roles are as defined in the Advice and Assistance Committee terms of reference.
Other operational matters:
The Task force will share information regarding developments and initiatives in relation to its work supporting the development of the profession in the Asia region via the Task force page on the IAA website.
The Chairperson of the Task force has the discretion of inviting guests from non-member associations or from countries where there is no association to participate on Task force meetings.
6. Groups Reporting to the Task force