The International Association of Consulting Actuaries (IACA) was formed following an informal meeting of several senior consultants attending the International Congress of Actuaries in 1968 who, because the business environment for consulting actuaries was changing so rapidly, felt that an international meeting once every four years was too infrequent. IACA was established as a separate organization and in 1970 started holding meetings every other year.
These biennial meetings have continued in many locations around the world since then. IACA was approved as a Section of the IAA on April 18, 1999, and at IACA’s general meeting in 2000, the IACA membership confirmed this change.
IACA continues to organize its biennial meetings, some of which are part of the International Congress of Actuaries. IACA also presents international sessions at the meetings of national consulting actuarial organizations such as the Conference of Consulting Actuaries in the United States and the Association of Consulting Actuaries in the United Kingdom. IACA organizes consulting sessions at colloquia held in conjunction with other IAA Sections and at meetings where consulting actuarial input can be useful, such as the East Asian Actuarial Conference and other insurance and financial organizations’ meetings.
IACA has established a number of subcommittees to assist with the implementation of its main objectives and provision of services to members. These include Professionalism, Publications and Research, Member Services, and Global Development. The Global Development subcommittee has as its main focus the development and strengthening of consulting actuarial services in Asia, Latin America and Africa. A regional association, the Asia Pacific Association of Consulting Actuaries (APACA), was formed in 2009.
IACA provides a regular newsletter to its members on its activities, including details about its research activities and links to publications that are of interest to IACA members.
View our brochure here.

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