Why Volunteer with AWB?
What types of projects are available?
AWB projects present an opportunity for you and your colleagues to pursue your goal of social responsibility to the actuarial fraternity and the public at large.
We offer a wide variety of assignments to our Volunteers. Some possible projects require applying actuarial analysis, problem solving, management skills and leadership in the development and sound management of social security, enterprise risk management, pensions, non-life and life insurance, microinsurance/microfinance, investments, health care. There are also other infrastructures and wider areas where actuarial skills can be of use.
In addition, AWB Volunteers can contribute to awareness of the profession and spread of actuarial education by taking on teaching, coaching and mentoring assignments; or by staffing projects directed by IAA committees.
AWB has a particular interest in assisting projects supported by regulators that relate to the involvement of actuaries in sound design, management, operation and oversight of insurance, pension, and other financial services.
We focus on geographic areas that lack actuarial resources, which include many interesting countries that a Volunteer may have never had the opportunity to visit. Assignments vary greatly in length: some may require a week or two of your time while others may extend for several months. In some cases projects may not require actual travel to the country involved but can be performed from your home base.
When travel is required, AWB projects usually provide modest funding for travel, lodging and meals.
From time to time, other organisations contact us to seek actuarial volunteers, and we may circulate information about those organisations and their volunteer needs, and offer guidance on steps for you to take if you are interested. Such projects are not screened or managed by AWB, and our communications will clearly identify them as non-AWB projects.
What are the benefits of volunteering?
In addition to directly benefiting the persons and organisations to which the actuarial services are provided, and their stakeholders, Volunteers have the satisfaction of advancing the actuarial profession in countries which otherwise would not be able to afford such expertise. They also receive the intellectual stimulation of working in situations very different culturally and in other ways from their usual workplace environments.
Volunteers may also be exposed to areas of actuarial activity outside of their normal day-to-day work experience that use the Volunteers’ capacity to learn quickly and/or to provide assistance, building on previous actuarial training and experience.
From a career perspective, volunteering can expand a personal network with actuarial and other professionals in different countries. It also provides insight into potential future markets and allows the Volunterr to view the world from an entirely different perspective. An employed Volunteer’s current employer may also view volunteering in a positive way. If the Volunteer is retired or semi-retired, volunteering enables him or her to “give back” both to the profession and to society.
What does it take to be a Volunteer?
Volunteers must be AWB Members with Ordinary or Observer status. A good Volunteer must give his or her best effort to the project and must have an open mind, be flexible and prepared to make an effort in sometimes challenging situations. Creativity and practicality are desirable personality traits.
Any AWB Member can register in the AWB volunteer database – AWB does not have a prerequisite experience, education, language, or specialization requirement for volunteers to register. For specific projects, on the other hand, Volunteers will be screened based on their fit to the project requirements.