November 7, 2012

IAA Participates in Joint Discussion Forum with ILO and ISSA in Geneva

version française

A six-person IAA delegation participated in a joint discussion forum on social security, pensions, and current issues on their sustainability with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) on September 21, 2012 at the ILO headquarters in Geneva. Fifteen participants from the 3 organizations engaged in a full day of discussions that included the following topics:

  • ILO international Recommendation no. 202 on National Social Protection Floors
  • ILO plan of action of its Financial and Actuarial Services
  • ILO education and training programme in the field of Social Security Actuarial studies
  • ILO perspective on pension policies
  • ISSA investment guidelines
  • ISSA activities and research
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Population and mortality issues and resources
  • Actuarial projection methodology and topics on reporting, standards, and the ISAP on social security valuation reporting
  • Social Security – updates on IAA activities
  • Education and development programmes particularly for Social Security actuaries
  • Financial Sustainability of Social Security Systems – Groupe Consultatif position paper
  • Upcoming events: ISSA Technical Seminar on Sustainability 2013; World Social Security Forum 2013; IAA PBSS Colloquium 2013; ICA Congress 2014.

This forum is part of an ongoing collaboration and discussion between these organizations that has taken place over the past few years. It supports the IAA’s Strategic Objective 1 that aims to strengthen relationships with key supranational audiences and provide them with actuarial input to improve the soundness of decisions being made on issues with global impact. The forum also provided an opportunity to identify areas for future collaboration between the IAA and the participating organizations.

To learn more about the work of the IAA in this area, please contact the IAA Secretariat, care of the Chairperson of the Supranational Relations sub-committee.


The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, with a number of special interest sections for individual actuaries. The IAA exists to encourage the development of a global profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served.
International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
150 Metcalfe Suite 601 Ottawa, ON Canada K2P 1P1
Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386 |