July 28, 2010

Mortality Working Group Focuses Beyond 2010

The actuarial profession has studied levels and trends in human mortality for well over a century.  Understanding mortality is key to operating successful long term life and health insurance programs as well as pensions and social security programs.

The International Actuarial Association established a Mortality Working Group under the chairmanship of Martin Stevenson of Australia to focus on mortality trends and uncertainty in both developed and developing economies.
  • Will mortality levels continue to improve or will other factors such as obesity reverse the trend? 
  • What is the best method of predicting future mortality trends?
  • Can the aggregation of data from many countries provide insight into the mortality of an individual country?

These and other issues will be explored by a team within the Mortality Working Group, led by Co-Vice Chair Henk Van Broekhoven of The Netherlands.

One ambitious project is to set up an on-line resource for actuaries and the public worldwide to access studies on mortality and longevity.  Brian Ridsdale of the United Kingdom who heads up the project states, “We want to ensure that worthwhile papers on the subject of mortality and longevity are easily accessible to readers from throughout the world.”

William Horbatt, Co-Vice-Chair from the United States adds, “The vision of the Group is that whenever insights are required in respect of mortality and trends in mortality, the body of knowledge produced by the Mortality Working Group is sought for its valued and authoritative coverage.”

To learn more about the Mortality Working Group, or to become involved in its work, please contact Martin Stevenson, Chairperson.

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The International Actuarial Association (IAA) is the worldwide association of professional actuarial associations, with a number of special interest sections for individual actuaries. The IAA exists to encourage the development of a global profession, acknowledged as technically competent and professionally reliable, which will ensure that the public interest is served.
International Actuarial Association | Association Actuarielle Internationale
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Tel: 1-613-236-0886 | Fax: 1-613-236-1386
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