ASTIN Bulletin – The Journal of the International Actuarial Association

Volume 7, No 3 – March 1974


B. Ajne
On the Statistical Estimation of Costs of Claims

Karl Borch
A Comparison of Three Credibility Formulae Using Multi-dimensial Techniques

Ed. Franckx
Considérations sur les modèles d'avant projet pour classes de tarif

Hans U. Gerber
On Additive Premium Calculation Principles

L. D'Hooge
Détermination de la fonction de structure d'une classe de tarif

William S. Jewell
Thre Credible Distribution

Paul Johansen
Tariffing of Consequential Loss Insurance

M.A. Pereira Cabral and J.M. Afonso Garcia
Calculation of Provisions Using Credibility Theory

G. Ramachandran
Extreme Value Theory and Large Fire Losses

H. Schmitter and E. Straub
Quadratic Programming in Insurance

G.C. Taylor
Experience Rating with Credibility Adjustment of the Manual Premium