International Association of Consulting Actuaries

18th Conference
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
June 14 - 19, 1982


Table of Contents

National Reports

Hong Kong
The Netherlands
New Zealand
Republic of Ireland
South Africa
United Kingdom

Papers on Takeovers and Mergers

The Valuation of Pension Benefits in cases of mergers within and across borders
by A. F. M. Jungman (The Nerherlands)

Pension Fund Aspects of Mergers and Takeovers in South Africa
by H. T. Mitchley (South AJiica)

Papers on Damages and Compensation:

Damages and Comljensation: an interesting Development in the South African Context
by P. Milburn-Pyle (South Africa)

Assessment of Damages: The Current Situation in the UK
by J. H. Prevett (United Kingdom)

Papers on Pensions in Inflationary Conditions:

Pension Planning for an Inflationary Environment
by James Hillhouse (Canada)

The Difference between a Pension and an Annuity
by Henk Langhorst (The Netherlands)

Papers on Funding Standards:

Funding the Multiemployer Pension Plan in the United States
by John A. MacDougal JR (USA)

Some Aspects.of Superannuation Funding Standards in Australia
by M. A. Stevenson (Australia)

Valuation of Pension Funds in the UK
by P. N. Thornton (United Kingdom)

Papers on the Valliation of Pension Fund Assets:

Imputed Valuation of Pension Plan Assets
by Thomas P. Bleakney (USA)

The Valuation of Pension Fund Assets on a Basis Consistent with the Value placed on the Liabilities
by James L. Clare (Canada)

The Actuary and his Assumptions
by Evan Innes (USA)

Papers on Future Trends in Actuarial Consultancy:

Future Trends in Actuarial Consultancy: Challenges for the 1980's
by David Cranford (USA)

Future Trends in Actuarial Consultancy: A Personal Canadian Perspective
by James Hillhouse (Canada)

Developing a Life Insurance Company Consulting Practice for the 1980's
by Roberr D. Shapiro (USA)

The Future Development ofthe Actuarial Profession in the next 25 years
by A. D. Walsh (Canada)

Papers on Takeovers and Mergers

Company Acquisitions in the U.K. How Important are Pensions?
by Richard Chapman and Rodney Jagelman (United Kingdom)

Papers on the Consultant as Life Office Actuary

The Life Office Actuary: Employee or Consultant?
by J. R. D. Orrett (United Kingdom)

Papers on the role of the Casualty Actuary

Casualty Actuarial Consulting in the United States
by W. James MacGinnitie (U.S.A.)

Papers on Pensions in Inflationary Conditions

The Adjustment of Company Pensions A German Model - after Years of Discussion
by Klaus Heubeck (Germany)

Papers on Funding Standards

The US Internal Revenue Service and Schizophrenia
by Lawrence Mitchell (USA)

Papers on the Valuation of Pension Fund Assets

Choice of pension fund assets and their valuation on a basis consistent with the value placed on liabilities
By C. J. White (Australia)

The Treatment of Assets in Pension Fund Valuations
by K. G. Whitehead (United Kingdom)

An Actuarial View on the Valuation Problem
by J. V. Rooijen (Netherlands)

Papers on Future Trends in Actuarial Consultancy

How can a Small Consulting Firm Compete Successfully With National and International Firms
by Lawrence Mitchell(U. S. A.)

Other Papers:

Insured Pension Schemes in the UK: Interpretation of Valuation Results
by H. A. R. Barnett & R. E. Hayward (United Kingdom)

The Measurement of Investment Performance
by Evan Innes (USA)

An Experience-Sensitive Actuarial Program to Translate Entry Fees into Income for Continuing Care Retirement Communities
by David L. Hewitt (USA)

Real Rates of Return
by John A. Jollife (United Kingdom)

Summaries of discussions:

National Reports
Pensions in inflationary conditions
Life and non-life insurance in inflationary conditions
Funding standards
Takeovers and mergers (pension implications)
Damages and compensation
The consultant as life office actuary
The role of the casualty actuary
Public accountability
Valuation of pension fund assets
Future trends in actuarial consultancy